On Friday night, we had some great friends (the Moores) over. First, we went to El Matador for some tasty Mexican food and then came back to our place to relax and play some games. Lynette's sister Karla also came over and played with us later in the evening. I taught Jason and the Moores how to play Puerto Rico. We weren't able to get through an entire game before they had to leave but it was still fun to play (we really have to get together more often guys). After they left, Lynette, Karla and I played a quick game of Cartagena and a crazy game of Settlers of Catan (crazy because the dice hardly ever hit the main numbers but instead hovered around the 10s, 11s, 2s, and 12s).
After Scary Hill, we dropped the kids off at their cousins's house in Logan. While they drove their aunt and uncle crazy, Lynette and I drove back down to Salt Lake for some slightly belated anniversary celebrations. We did a quick dinner at Chilli's and then hopped over to Hale Centre Theatre. We were there to see The Drowsy Chaperone. We'd already seen the show ~2 years ago but it was so much fun we decided to see it again. Hale has an "in the round" style theatre and our seats were back behind the left shoulder of the "man in chair"'s chair and up in the rafters we could see that we were behind the plane, so I was initially worried. However, true to form, Hale did an EXCELLENT job of moving the action around so nobody was excluded. The cast was fabulous, the set was great and the show was awesome. Just silly fun.
Sunday was officially the day of rest....after church we drove up to Logan and picked the kids up and came home and relaxed.
And now, we fall back into some more general routine for the next few days...which is fine since the past few days kept us all very busy. It'll be nice to slow things down a bit. :)
Looks like fun! Bet the kids were excited to meet the author of the Percy Jackson series.
Wow that was a packed weekend! We feel honored that we got to be a part of it. :)
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